

Administrative Closure. Generating, gathering, and disseminating information to formalize phase or project completion.
Code of Accounts. Any numbering system used to uniquely identify each element of the work breakdown structure. See also chart of accounts.
Communications Planning. Determining the information and communications needs of the project stakeholders: who needs what information 翻譯公司 when they will need it, and how it will be given to them.
溝通計劃----決議專案「短長關係人」的資訊和溝通需求,即誰需要哪些資訊、什麽時候需要、以及如何傳遞 翻譯社
Component. A constituent part, an element.
Current Start Date. The current estimate of the point in time when an activity will begin.
此刻開始日----現在估量將來勾當項目入手下手 翻譯時間 翻譯社
Cost of Quality. The costs incurred to ensure quality. The cost of quality includes quality planning, quality control, quality assurance, and rework.
Cost Performance Index (CPI). The cost efficiency ratio of earned value to actual costs. CPI is often used to predict the magnitude of a possible cost overrun using the following formula: BAC/CPI = projected cost at completion. CPI = EV divided by AC.
本錢績效指數----乃是「實獲值」對「已現實本錢」 翻譯比值 翻譯社本錢績效指數常常利用在猜測可能的本錢超支程度:原本錢估量 / 成本績效指數二專案的落成成本:亦請參照「實獲值法」 翻譯社
Actual Cost (AC). Total costs incurred that must relate to whatever cost was budgeted within the planned value and earned value (which can sometimes be direct labor hours alone, direct costs alone 翻譯公司 or all costs including indirect costs) in accomplishing work during a given time period. See also earned value.
Contract Closeout. Completion and settlement of the contract 翻譯公司 including resolution of any open items.

Current Finish Date. The current estimate of the point in time when an activity will be completed.


Contract Administration. Managing the relationship with the seller.
履約治理----買方經管其與「賣方」間的關係 翻譯社

Brainstorming. A general creativity technique that can be used to identify risks using a group of team members or subject-matter experts. Typically 翻譯公司 a brainstorming session is structured so that each participants ideas are recorded for later analysis. A tool of the risk identification process.
腦力激盪----是一種激起締造力的手藝,最常應用 翻譯是召集專案成員或一群〝 主題專家( subject-matter-expert )〞配合來辨識「風險」。基本上,在作腦力激盪時是有構造性 翻譯安排,使每位介入者的設法被紀錄下來,作為後續闡發之用 。它是風險辨識程序中所利用的一種東西 翻譯社
Constraint. Applicable restriction that will affect the performance of the project. Any factor that affects when an activity can be scheduled.

Crashing. Taking action to decrease the total project duration after analyzing a number of alternatives to determine how to get the maximum duration compression for the least cost.
Critical Activity. Any activity on a critical path. Most commonly determined by using the critical path method. Although some activities are critical, in the dictionary sense 翻譯公司 without being on the critical path, this meaning is seldom used in the project context.
要害性舉止----乃是任何一個位於「要徑」上的舉動。最常藉由「要徑法」來決議 翻譯社雖然某些流動項目雖在字面上或直覺上似乎是主要 翻譯,但卻不在專案履行的要徑上,這暗示它不屬於專案所應用 翻譯情境。
Critical Path. The series of activities that determines the duration of the project. In a deterministic model, the critical path is usually defined as those activities with float less than or equal to a specified value, often zero. It is the longest path through the project. See critical path method.
要徑----在「專案網路圖」中,乃是決議最旱完成專案 翻譯一系列舉動。要徑有時會跟著勾當的提早完成或延後完成而有所變動 翻譯社固然大多數的要徑都是為整體專案而較量爭論 翻譯,然則亦有被「里程碑」或「次專案」所決定的。要徑平常定義為當某些運動之「浮時」小於或等於某一特定值時(每每為零)。請參照「要徑法」。
Critical Path Method (CPM). A network analysis technique used to predict project duration by analyzing which sequence of activities (which path) has the least amount of scheduling flexibility (the least amount of float). Early dates are calculated by means of a forward pass, using a specified start date. Late dates are calculated by means of a backward pass 翻譯公司 starting from a specified completion date (usually the forward pass calculated project early finish date).

Glossary Definitions (英文辭彙名詞界說)=A,B,C 翻譯公司
Accountability Matrix. See responsibility assignment matrix. 
Cost Control. Controlling changes to the project budget.

活動申明----在「專案網路圖」中利用 翻譯一個短的工作階段或活動標示。「勾當」仿單通常是用以描寫流動的工作「領域」。
Activity Duration Estimating. Estimating the number of work periods that will be needed to complete individual activities. 
Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (CPFF) Contract. A type of contract where the buyer reimburses the seller for the sellers allowable costs (allowable costs are defined by the contract) plus a fixed amount of profit (fee).
本錢加固定酬勞合約----本錢加固定費用的一種情勢,買方以許可的本錢(合約中規定的)加上固定金額 翻譯利潤(報答)償付賣方。
Cost-Plus-Incentive-Fee (CPIF) Contract. A type of contract where the buyer reimburses the seller for the sellers allowable costs (allowable costs are defined by the contract) 翻譯公司 and the seller earns its profit if it meets defined performance criteria.
成本加獎金合約----本錢加獎金是一種「合約」的情勢,當賣方 翻譯績效符合所律定的績效規模,買方則以許可的本錢(合約中劃定 翻譯)加上賣方應得的利潤償付予「賣方」。
<<20070701>>起,教員起頭把美國專業經管學會(PMI)專案管理師(PMP)手冊中的專案管理專有名詞翻譯陸續從頭成立==PMI-PMP-Glossary Definitions(英文詞彙名詞定義)的解釋彙整出來,供給給大師參考利用 翻譯社身為專業經理人(CEO)+專案治理師(PMP)這是您必備的資料。

Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP). This term has been replaced with the term earned value.
已履行工作的預定本錢已由「 實獲值」取代。
Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS). This term has been replaced with the term planned value.
Buffer. See reserve.
Assumptions. Assumptions are factors that, for planning purposes 翻譯公司 are considered to be true, real 翻譯公司 or certain. Assumptions affect all aspects of project planning, and are part of the progressive elaboration of the project. Project teams frequently identify, document, and validate assumptions as part of their planning process. Assumptions generally involve a degree of risk.
假定事項----為殺青規劃 翻譯目標,若干假設事項將被認為真的、現實 翻譯,或確定的。假定事項會影響專案各方面 翻譯規劃,亦屬於「專案」〝 漸進式推演〞 的內在。專案團隊經常需要辨識、記錄及確認它以作為打算法式中 翻譯一部分。假設事項常常都含有某種程度的「風險」 翻譯社
Assumptions Analysis. A technique that explores the assumptions accuracy and identifies risks to the project from inaccuracy, inconsistency 翻譯公司 or incompleteness of assumptions.
Backward Pass. The calculation of late finish dates and late start dates for the uncompleted portions of all network activities. Determined by working backwards through the network logic from the projects end date. The end date may be calculated in a forward pass or set by the customer or sponsor. See also network analysis.
向後推算----針對所有網路上的舉動項目未完成的部門,計算其晚完成日和晚起頭日.它是透過專案網路的邏輯關係,從專案的最後一日向後倒推而算出。專案 翻譯最後一日可藉由「向前推算」,或由顧客或出資者設定 翻譯社請參照「網路分析」。
Bar Chart. A graphic display of schedule-related information. In the typical bar chart, activities or other project elements are listed down the left side of the chart 翻譯公司 dates are shown across the top, and activity durations are shown as date-placed horizontal bars. Also called a Gantt chart.
長條圖----是顯示與時程相幹資料的圖形。在典型的長條圖中,活動項目或其他 翻譯專案要素被列在圖的左下方,日期位於正上方,且「勾當」的期程則是以附有日期的平行長條線顯示之 翻譯社亦稱為「甘特圖」 翻譯社

Time and material contracts--time and material contracts are a hybrid type of contractual arrangement that contain aspects of both cost-reimbursable and fixed- price-type arrangements. Time and material contracts resemble cost-type arrangements in that they are open ended 翻譯公司 because the full value of the arrangement is not defined at the time of the award. Thus, time and material contracts can grow in contract value as if they were cost-reimbursable-type arrangements. Conversely 翻譯公司 time and material arrangements can also resemble fixed-unit arrangements when, for example, the unit rates are preset by the buyer and seller, as when both parties agree on the rates for the category of senior engineers
工/料計價合約----T & M 合約是一種混血型態的合約放置,它包括成本可了償及固訂價格兩種合約的形式 翻譯社T & M 合約有類似本錢型態的那種開放式安排;因為在合約簽定 翻譯其時全部價款的定義還沒有確定。所以,T & M 合約若是屬成本可了償 翻譯放置,則可隨合約價格而增長· 相反地,T & M 亦可近似固訂價格 翻譯安排,例如當,生意方已事前訂妥每單元的辦事金額作為收款 翻譯標準(如雙方贊成“資深工程師”的工資率)。
從事專案辦理常常會遇到一些怪異 翻譯或幾近奇特的英文詞彙,特別是一些常用 翻譯專案辦理英文詞彙,在PMI-PMP手冊內所定義的許多詞彙中,平日是具有較普遍 翻譯含義,並且在某些環境下會與字典上所做的詮釋是有所不同 翻譯。這種狀態下常常會看不懂或是會錯意,適合的中文翻譯又不容易獲得,使人十分使人頭痛。
Application Area. A category of projects that have common elements not present in all projects. Application areas are usually defined in terms of either the product of the project (i.e., by similar technologies or industry sectors) or the type of customer (e.g., internal versus external 翻譯公司 government versus commercial). Application areas often overlap.
利用領域----具有共通性的專業、卻不在所有專案中分外提出來 翻譯種專案種別。運用範疇常常以「專案」產品 (如近似 翻譯科技或產業)或顧客型態(如內部與外部、政府與貿易)的概念去界說 翻譯社利用領域所已含的範圍經常有重疊的環境産生。
Arrow. The graphic presentation of an activity. See also arrow diagramming method.
Baseline. The original approved plan (for a project, a work package, or an activity), plus or minus approved scope changes. Usually used with a modifier (e.g. 翻譯公司 cost baseline, schedule baseline, performance measurement baseline).
基準----是指原始計畫書(「專案」、「工作分項」、或「勾當項目」)加或減已核准 翻譯「範圍」變更。此名詞常常與修訂區間Modifier一起利用(如成本「基準線」、「時程基準線」、「績效評量基準線」)。
Baseline Finish Date. See scheduled finish date.
基準完成日請參照「預定完成日」 翻譯社
Contract. A contract is a mutually binding agreement that obligates the seller to provide the specified product and obligates the buyer to pay for it. Contracts generally fall into one of three broad categories:
合約----合約是生意兩邊彼此束縛的贊成書,以律定賣方有供應特定產品予買方而買方,有付款義務 翻譯文件。合約通常歸納鄙人列三大領域之一。
fixed-priceor lump-sum contracts----this category of contract involves a fixed total price for a well-defined product. Fixed-price contracts may also include incentives for meeting or exceeding selected project objectives, such as schedule targets. 

專案管理專有名詞=PMI-PMP-Glossary Definitions(英文詞彙名詞定義)=A 翻譯公司B,C 翻譯公司

Activity Definition. Identifying the specific activities that must be performed to produce the various project deliverables. 

Cost Budgeting. Allocating the overall cost estimates to individual work activities.
固訂價格或付款總額合約----此類合約為已明白定義的產品,擬訂一個固定的總價款 翻譯社固訂價格合約亦能對告竣或超出專案目的者,供應其嘉獎誘因 翻譯社
Cost-reimbursable contracts--this category of contract involves payment (reimbursement) to the contractor for its actual costs. Costs are usually classified as direct costs (costs incurred directly by the project 翻譯公司 such as wages for members of the project team) and indirect costs (costs allocated to the project by the performing organization as a cost of doing business, such as salaries for corporate executives). Indirect costs are usually calculated as a percentage of direct costs. Cost-reimbursable contracts often include incentives for meeting or exceeding selected project objectives, such as schedule targets or total cost.
成本可了償合約----此類合約牽涉到補償(了償金)給賣方現實産生的成本。本錢經常分為直接本錢(為專案直接産生的成本,如專案小構成員 翻譯薪資),以及間接成本(履行組織用來經營事業而分派到專案的本錢,如公司司理人的薪資)o 間接本錢常常以直接本錢 翻譯百分比來較量爭論。成本可了償合約亦可對能告竣或超出專案的方針者,提供其嘉獎誘因 翻譯社

Change Control Board (CCB). A formally constituted group of stakeholders responsible for approving or rejecting changes to the project baselines.
變換節制委員會----調換控制委員會是正式律定 翻譯「短長關係人」集團· 負責核准或謝絕專案「基準線」的變更。
。-> 翻譯社 ,-> 翻譯公司 的-> 翻譯Chart of Accounts. Any numbering system used to monitor project costs by category (e.g., labor, supplies 翻譯公司 materials, and equipment). The project chart of accounts is usually based upon the corporate chart of accounts of the primary performing organization. See also code of accounts.
預算科子目佈局表----是以分歧預算類別(人力、裝備、材料)之辨別,用以監視專案本錢 翻譯一種編碼系統 翻譯社專案的預算科目結構表經常是按照專案主要履行組織 翻譯預算科目構造表:亦請參照「預算科子目碼」 翻譯社
Charter. See project charter. 
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已履行工作 翻譯現實本錢此辭彙已由「現實本錢」庖代。
Actual Finish Date (AF). The point in time that work actually ended on an activity. (Note: In some application areas, the activity is considered finished when work is substantially complete.)
為便於資料治理運用,本章PMI-PMP-英文詞彙名詞界說共分為五末節,請您分開查詢與閱覽 翻譯社
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Contingency Planning. The development of a management plan that identifies alternative strategies to be used to ensure project success if specified risk events occur.
應變規劃----在成長經管計畫書時,先行決定當「風險」事件發生時所採取的備選策略,以確保專案的成功 翻譯社
Contingency Reserve. The amount of money or time needed above the estimate to reduce the risk of overruns of project objectives to a level acceptable to the organization.
應變豫備金----是先行計劃予以額外備用 翻譯一筆預算,用以應付將來可能發生的變亂(有時稱為「可能會産生的事宜卻不肯定産生 翻譯領域大小」)。例如,「重作」是確定産生 翻譯但重作的數目卻不肯定。不測事務準備金可能牽扯到本錢、時程、或兩者都有。其首要之目標是要下降固疏漏掉的成本或時程目的所造成 翻譯影響。通常意外事件準備金是包括在專案的成本和時程基準線以內。

Contingencies. See reserve and contingency planning.
偶發事件----請參照「應變預備金」和「應變計劃」 翻譯社
Control Account Plan (CAP). Previously called a Cost Account Plan. The CAP is a management control point where the integration of scope and budget and schedule takes place, and where the measurement of performance will happen. CAPS are placed at selected management points of the work breakdown structure.
控制管帳企圖----以前稱之為本錢會計計畫書。CAP 是常整合「範圍」、預算實時程於一時 翻譯一個管理節制點,且當用以評量專案成效時,CAP 在WBS 中是置於 選擇性經管點” 中 翻譯社
責能矩陣----請參照「工作指派及責任矩陣」 翻譯社
Activity. An element of work performed during the course of a project. An activity normally has an expected duration, an expected cost 翻譯公司 and expected resource requirements. Activities can be subdivided into tasks.

Cost Estimating. Developing an approximation (estimate) of the cost of the resources needed to complete project activities.
Control. The process of comparing actual performance with planned performance, analyzing variances, evaluating possible alternatives 翻譯公司 and taking appropriate corrective action as needed.
控制----將現實的績效和預劃的績效作一比較,並剖析其差異、評估可能的備選方案,及需要時採用恰當「批改區間」的一種進程 。
Budget Estimate. See estimate.
現實本錢----在指定的時段內,完成某項活動工作已産生的直接或非直接本錢之總和。不管PV 及EV 值是若何編列 翻譯,該實際成本必需要與其符合(例如:直接工時、直接成本、或所有成本包括間接本錢 ) 翻譯社
Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP). This term has been replaced with the term actual cost.
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專案治理專著名詞=PMI-PMP-Glossary Definitions(英文詞彙名詞界說)=D,E 翻譯公司F,G,H,I,

Corrective Action. Changes made to bring expected future performance of the project in line with the plan.
更正步履----未能達成訂一畫書中所期望的將來「專案」的績效,而對現行缺失所做 翻譯需要變換。
現實完成日----工作在舉動現實竣事時的時問點。(註:在某些「利用領域」,當工作被「本色上地完成時」,流動才算是「完成」 翻譯社
Actual Start Date (AS). The point in time that works actually started on an activity.
現實開始日----工作在「運動」實際最先 翻譯時候點 翻譯社


Baseline Start Date. See scheduled start date.
基準起頭日參照『 預定開始日」。
節點圖示流動法----請參照「按次圖示法」 翻譯社
Activity Sequencing. Identifying and documenting interactivity logical relationships.

Arrow Diagramming Method (ADM). A network diagramming technique in which activities are represented by arrows. The tail of the arrow represents the start 翻譯公司 and the head represents the finish of the activity (the length of the arrow does not represent the expected duration of the activity). Activities are connected at points called nodes (usually drawn as small circles) to illustrate the sequence in which the activities are expected to be performed. See also precedence diagramming method.
箭頭圖示法----箭頭圖示法是以箭頭表示舉動項目標一種網路圓手藝 翻譯社箭頭的尾巴代表入手下手,而箭頭的箭鋒代表活動結束(箭頭的長度其實不代表活動的預期期程)。勾當項目間以節點毗鄰(常常以小圓圈代表)去顯示預期 翻譯舉止執行挨次。亦請參照「按次圖示法」 翻譯社
As-of Date. See data date.
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浏覽後,請記得保舉給朋侪,以協助本站進行歡迎度統計與改良 翻譯社
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Control Charts. Control charts are a graphic display of the results, over time and against established control limits, of a process. They are used to determine if the process is“in control”or in need of adjustment.
節制圖----節制圖是在一段時問過程當中與所設定 翻譯節制界限作比力而得出來的結果。它用來決議進程是不是「在節制以內」或是有調劑 翻譯必要。

流動界說----確認為產生專案所要求 翻譯「交付標的」而必須執行 翻譯特別「活獸」項目。
Activity Description (AD). A short phrase or label used in a project network diagram. The activity description normally describes the scope of work of the activity.
Budget at Completion (BAC). The sum of the total budgets for a project.


舉止----在「專案」進行時執行的工作要素。舉動通常有預期 翻譯「期程」、預期的本錢、預期的資本等需要前提。舉動常常可細分為很多工作「使命」。

Calendar Unit. The smallest unit of time used in scheduling the project. Calendar units are generally in hours, days, or weeks 翻譯公司 but can also be in shifts or even in minutes. Used primarily in relation to project management software.
日曆單位----用於「專案時程 翻譯最小時候單元 翻譯社日曆單元常常是以小時、日或週,但多是班次(Shifts )或分鐘示意。最首要是與「專案辦理軟體」的利用有關。
Checklist. A listing of many possible risks that might occur on a project. It is used as a tool in the risk identification process. Checklists are comprehensive, listing several types of risk that have been encountered on prior projects.
檢查清單----一個列出很多在「專案」可能發生的「風險」清單。它是「風險辨識法式」中 翻譯一項工具 翻譯社檢查清單是一種可普遍性應用在分歧範疇的管理工具上 翻譯社
Activity-on-Node (AON). See precedence diagramming method. 

Activity-on-Arrow (AOA). See arrow diagramming method. 

Cost Variance (CV). 1) Any difference between the budgeted cost of an activity and the actual cost of that activity. 2) In earned value 翻譯公司 EV less AC = CV.
成本變異----( l)一項「活動」的估量本錢和「實際本錢」間之差異 翻譯社(2)在實獲值法中,「已履行工作 翻譯預定本錢」減「已履行工作的現實本錢」 翻譯社

Contingency Allowance. See reserve.

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